Dear UEZ/SID Member,

The federal government, in response to the severe economic impact that COVID 19 has caused, has created funding programs designed to help small businesses survive during these challenging times. Attached are two documents designed to help guide businesses through the application process.

These programs are evolving and are being refined daily. For a more detailed explanation of these programs and the underlying information that must accompany the program application it is recommended that contact with your bank representative be made. Your accountant may also be of assistance.

As a courtesy, UEZ/SID members , after reviewing this information, who may wish to discuss these programs, can contact the CPA firm of Donohue, Gironda, Doria & Tomkins, LLC at 201-437-9000, Extension 213 and leave your information and you will get a return call as soon as practical to review these programs with you.

As we receive more information we will keep you apprised.Stay safe, stay strong,


Stimulus Package Small Business Loans
Paycheck Protection Program