The way the program works (if you have any end-of-life HVAC units, older Boilers, run down Motors and or any lighting that needs to be upgraded to more efficient LEDs) – PSEG will conduct a free on-site energy assessment, recommend energy efficiency upgrades, and provide a detail cost analysis for each of the facilities we explore through the PSEG Program.  If you decide to move forward with the upgrades, PSEG will pay for 100% of the upfront cost to perform the work (no out of pocket costs), and when the work has been completed and signed off, customers could repay only 30% of the total project cost.  You can repay that 30% through the PSEG “On-Bill” Repayment Plan 60 months at 0% Interest.  What’s great about the Repayment Plan, most customers find themselves Cash Flow Positive on day one because the savings (after install) outweighs the monthly repayment plan.

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