Mayor Jimmy Davis announced that he and the Bayonne City Council are inviting community members and groups to take part in a citywide Earth Day cleanup, which will take place in Bayonne on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10 am to 12 noon.

We encourage everyone in the community to form a team and help us clean-up Bayonne which is much needed in our town.

If you would like us to put you on a team or pick an area to clean please give the Bayonne UEZ a call and we can take care of that for you. I have attached the form with more information or to register, call Dee Dee Bottino at the UEZ Office at 201-858-6357.  If you would like to clean in just your neighborhood with family and friends we encourage you to do so.

“There was an impressive turnout of volunteers throughout the community for the Earth Day cleanup in 2020,” Stay at home and clean around your neighborhood. We look forward to a continuation 2021.

City officials are inviting individuals, community organizations, and other volunteers to sign up to clean a specific area of the community. Interested organizations and individuals are invited to register as a team.

Team effort

People can either form a team to participate, or the organizers can place individuals on a team near where they live.

From 10 a.m. to noon, the teams will go to their assigned areas of the city, collecting any garbage and debris in sight.

Interested groups and individuals are encouraged to register as soon as possible, in order to get a designated cleanup area.

The event is a once-a-year opportunity to clean the Bayonne community of trash and debris littering public areas.

The Department of Public Works is coordinating the cleanup with the Bayonne Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ).

For more information or to register,  call Dee Dee Bottino at the UEZ Office at 201-858-6357 or email

In addition to the annual cleanup, the city has been making other efforts to become more environmentally friendly. The City Council passed an ordinance that banned the distribution of single-use plastic bags at retail establishments starting in January of this year.  Also passed by ordinance is Clean Sweep Initiative.

Download: Earth Day 2021 Form